Wednesday, 29 May 2013


I finished this a while ago but forgot to put up a completed shot, I feel my methods (read: cheats) don't really scale up as well as I had hoped. Still I am not dissapointed with him. The Stormpods are all done too and I'll get them up when I finish the Stormguard for Nemo. Not much else has really been happening though, I have made a good start on the Commandos and Stormguard but am not really rushing to get them finished.

At the moment games seem to be drying out a bit as the club I attend has started playing more Warhammer. I am currently teaching someone who wants to pick up Cryx but hasn't really decided on which Warcaster yet so is borrowing the Deneghra I own and using a few mercs to top it off till he settles. All in all life is slow here at Forest Mans.

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