Sunday, 19 May 2013

Epic Tier 4 Engineer

So, I have very nearly gotten my hands on the Trencher Commandos to make my Haley2 Gravediggers theme force up. I have only really played this list over vassal and will be massively happy to get it on the tabletop.

This got me thinking about another theme force I love, a hark back to my days playing Krueger. This theme force belongs to Cygnars newest 'caster. Nemo3's Lightning War. As luck would have it I can also run this lis right up to Tier 4. Though I am not entirely happy with it, I'll show you why.

Nemo3 & Finch

Stormsmiths x 3
Journeyman Warcaster

Stormblades w/UA
Stormguard (Max)

Now obviously you can see the problems right? Too many troops, Nemo doesn't really support them all that well. Or you know, at all. The second big problem I can see is that I really want a stormstrider in there, that thing as some amazing firepower and would work well with Nemo. Problem is affording one at the moment. Though I have only had a few games with Nemo I find him enjoyable if not super powerful. Which is exactly what I want at the moment.

The List I want to try looks a little something like this:

Nemo3 & Finch


Stormsmiths x 3

Stormsmith Stormtower
Stormguard (Max)

This version really takes the lightning theme right up to 11. Usually I would tell people not to build towards the feat but I have done exactly that here. Not that the weapons I want to take are anything less than destructive on the non-feat turns. 

Anyway enough list discussion, onto tomorrows challange. Taking the lightning theme for a spin I have decided to put my stormguard on the painting list. I also have Nemo3 and Finch to paint. None of these are bare metal but the stormguard are blue with the halbards painted a bit. Nemo is like 90% done and Finch is blue with her face painted a flesh tone. So it wouldn't be overwhelming but thats 12 minis to get finished for tomorrow and I have a sports day to attend so am not going to set this one as a time challange.  

Also another note I just got all the Forest Mans photos downloaded to my phone and realised that I haven't put a completed shot of Stormwall. So I'll try get that up tomorrow too.

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